Monday, November 23, 2009

Something new, something blue (or green) ...

We enjoyed probably the last nice day of gardening of the season this Saturday. Lawns were reeked and leaves should shield my perennials against cold I hope - I used them as a mulch material for my flower beds. I demolished the ugly jungle of dead zinnias, marigolds and morning glories around the front fence; I have to be more careful with those next year, they got a bit out of control and were suffocating everything in reach. It surprised me how much all the lavenders and hortenzias and roses i have planted over the past two years did grow. I remember how bare it looked when I cleaned garden for last winter - but not now, we are slowly getting there :) I know, I know, one of the virtues of a good gardener is patience...

We also had a small joy of harvest, I collected all the remaining peppers and my dad's beans.

I am not quite sure what I will do with the lot. May be my friends will get some very spicy gifts soon :). Beans are going back to the ground of course.

I am drying all the herbs left after frost bite we had last week; it is thyme, oregano, marjoram, sage, lemon balm and mint hanging there, ready for some witchcraft :).

I only wish I have done it earlier in season when I still had basil and dill - oh well, there is always next time i guess.

I did some experimental baking too, I made Swedish rye bread from add-only-the-water mix from Ikea. I had no expectations at all and therefore I have been rewarded, that's the rule :) It turned out to be a nice wholegrain bread, it reminded me of the dark "Russian brick" we once had in Czech; it used to be best fresh, just with butter and honey.

The trip to the Ikea was made in anticipation of the T-holiday and all the guests we are expecting. We replenished our wine glasses stack and, more importantly, we got our very own, not handed-down or inherited, dining set.

I hope it will have a long and happy life with us :).

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