Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Visiting South

We took our drive home from Florida slow, we planned for night stop in Savannah. Passing it so many times before, I have never been there and I wanted to finally see it. And than W. suggested we should go to Charleston as well since we were so close, even though it would mean a little detour. So we did and it was great, despite the cold and wind (around 0C in the morning!), sunny sharp day was waiting for us there.
Both cities sit on the rivers,

as proper colonial towns they have lots of mansions (which we have not really seen in S. but have seen plenty in Ch.) and old buildings generaly

in picture perfect down towns.

Savannah was built with some smart urban plan in mind, every couple blocks there is a shaded little square with lots of old tall trees, with curtains of spanish moss hanging from the branches, just like I have seen in civil war era movies; they must be a true oasis in hot summers.

The place is very plant friendly, weeds are sprouting from everywhere, like in hanging gardens of Babylon ...

Old Charleston is squished on peninsula created by confluence of two rivers flowing to the delta. The houses there would still fall into mansion category, but since there is so many of them, the yard space is somehow limited. But wow, people there managed to get from the little they have some charming "secret" gardens as I called them.

We had the best crab&roe soup I ever ate in old market place quarter and than we were on road again, we safely arrived home some 8 hours latter. It was adventurous and successful picture hunt day :)

1 comment:

  1. You have a great eye for these things, Hana! I am slightly green with envy about that :)
