Monday, March 8, 2010

Patterns, Textures, Colors

Quiet bright early morning in the park,

long shadows cast over still frozen pond, wild goose quacking in distance; they started to gather for big move to the north I think. I actually have seen them resting on ground, but I did not dare to get too close since dogs would have gone crazy :).

Tiche, zarive rano v parku, dlouhe stiny pres stale jeste zamrzly rybnicek, nekde v dalce kejhaji divoke husy, zacaly se asi pripravovat na svuj severni tah. Pak jsem je i videla odpocivat na zemi ale neodvazila jsem se moc priblizit, to by pesani urcite v klidu nezvladli.

Snow finally melted to the point I could walk on my favorite forest path; I have seen the fine wings of some kind of fungi, growing in the lines following the rotting wood ligaments,

it looked a bit like flocks of butterflies (I wonder if one can eat these).

And I saw some interesting color combination; the greenish lichen spots on rough bark facing the north, and the rich reddish browns of rotting wood (it reminded me about the charming animated game "Samorost" (Driftwood in Czech).

Snih konecne roztal do te miry, ze jsem mohla projit svym oblibenym lesnim chodnikem, cestou jsem videla jemna kridelka nejakych hub rostoucich podel vlaken parezu, vypadalo to trochu jako hejna motylu (zajimalo by me jestli jsou jedle:)
Taky jsem videla zajimave barevne kombinace: zelenkave lisejniky and temne rezavohnede odstiny trouchnivejiciho dreva. Stromy v parku jsou vysoke a stihle (jsem ostuda, neznam jejich jmeno), ted jeste muzu obdivovat jejich eleganci na pozadi jasne oblohy, pozdeji na jare mi ten obraz zacloni listi. A ta svetle seda vypada s blankytnou moc hezky, rada bych tu kombinaci nejak vyuzila (premitam o novych barvach pro obyvaci pokoj).

The trees in that park are tall and skinny (shame on me, I do not know its name), I can admire the elegant curves of the trunks against the sky now, before the leafs blur the view latter in the spring. And the light gray looks so nice with the sky blue! I would like to use this combination in some creative way (coming soon, I have a new colorway for living room on my mind for some time now).

And I found a planetary model of some far far away solar system, made of squirrel's breakfast leftovers :)

And I got a jumbo heart for my W. That is my favorite way to start a day.

Pak jsem jeste nasla planetarium vzdalene slunecni soustavy, rozvrhnute ze zbytku veverci snidane a velke srdce pro W. Tak tohle je muj nejmilejsi zpusob jak zacit den.

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