Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Almost There

The weather last week(end) was so very pleasant and inviting for outside activities, no wonder I gave in to the calls of the Garden-Sirens again(!) and got some more bulbs and seeds. Although I got much more reasonable and realistic having the last season experiences, I would like to think :). So here are the current winners of the what-to-grow-this-year contest :

Pocasi bylo po cely minuly tyden moc prijemne, primo vyzyvajici k venkovnim aktivitam, neni tedy divu ze jsem se zase nechala zlakat volanim Zahradnich Siren a poridila jsem dalsi cibulky a seminka. Po zkusenostech s minulou sezonou jsem vsak mnohem rozumnejsi a realistictejsi, aspon bych si to prala :). Takze predstavuji prozatimni viteze souteze co-budeme-pestovat-letos" :

It was little overcast today but still very warm, so I walked a bit for a lunch and had a Devon&Blakely's crab soup in the Lafayette park cross street from The House. While sipping the delicacy I noticed that some magnolia(?) and cherry trees are ready for the spring parade too.

Dneska bylo sice trochu zatazeno ale porad dost teplo na prochazku a obed (krabi polivka) v parku naproti Bileho Domu. Zatimco jsem usrkavala z te pochoutky od Devona&Blakelyho, vsimla jsem si, ze par stromu okolo, tresne a mozna magnolie, jsou uz taky skoro pripravene na tu jarni paradu.

And as a final proof we are almost there indeed, small crocuses I planted last fall into the newly reclaimed soil strip in the front yard just started to bloom - the first brave ones of the hopefully survivived bulb lot.

A jako dukaz ze jsme opravdu skoro na konci (zimy), krokusky, ktere jsem zasadila pozde na podzim do noveho zahonu v predzahradce, prave zacaly kvest - prvni statecni z mnoha doufam stastne prezivsich cibulek.

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