Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Out We Went

It was eventful week (at least for our standards). On Friday we were invited to the concert given by Lithuanian pianist Edvinas Minkstimas.

I cannot even remember when I attended a piano concert last time, and I have to say, after surviving the first half hour of Schumann without move (not problem of the performance but rather of the hardwood benches, with emphasis on "hard"), I quite enjoyed the rest (shorter pieces by Chopin, Debussy, Piazzola and Liszt). The concert took place in giant rich St. Luke catholic church in McLean in VA (judging by the reception afterward). They have a very unusually looking organ there,

I never saw horizontal pipes before, we may come back here to hear it one day. I was driving on G.Washington Parkway to get there, I do not think I ever been there,

I stopped at one of the overlooks just when the sun was going down, it was before the storm and light was almost like in the old masters paintings.
The weather was sunny again on Saturday morning, so I took dogs to Wheaton, it was suddenly very bright green there;

the leaves here always appears mysteriously overnight, one day there are naked sticks and the next day everything is green :). And the azaleas are in full bloom now, it is very pretty in our little suburb neighborhoods, looks like every house has at least one of them in the garden.

I got an office baseball tickets for yesterdays game of Nationals and Rookies (we lost), but it was nice warm evening and the seats were quite good so I could actually see the players faces, and they served a good draft beer so it was overall pleasant event - and I finally started the sleeves for my mom's stained-glass cardigan.

When I was driving to work today and they said it is April 21, I had a feeling that somebody I know has birthday today, and when I got to talk to my mom she said grandma would have been 90 today. I am thinking about you often, babi, and I am so thankful for all the crafty things you taught me. Speaking about which, I finished blanket for my friend E. baby girl who was born just last Tuesday.
It is made of Malabrigo lace merino, yellow and greenish (knit in two strands), about 4 skeins, in simple fir cone pattern with crochet scallops on edges. Hope the baby is not allergic to wool:)

1 comment:

  1. That blanket is beautiful!

    Isn't it funny how all of the green appears overnight? Seems to be the case here as well!
