Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Che(e)rryfull Times

The DC cherry festival peaked this Easter weekend (I have not made the rabbit, it is challah bread creation from store, I liked the idea),

but unfortunately there was no time for us to idle around, we had to remove a giant rubble mountain from down hill backyard and drag down more building material from HDP (W. is getting very familiar with that place). So all I have to show is what I snapped during my lunch walks (it is pretty all the same).

Thanks to unusually warm weather, we opened the patio season with the ham dinner on White Saturday,

and that was the day when the future started - W. received his long awaited new toy. It was so warm outside we could stay for the light show.

I started as well my serious gardening; I cleaned all flower beds and vegetable stripes, than I sow some lettuce, spinach, pees, tomatoes and peppers (the last two I am trying directly outside this year, I may use the old framed window as greenhouse should the weather get colder again), and some poppies and bachelor buttons. I am trying again (!) some summer bulbs - freesias, gladiolus, babianas and hostas. I was not very successful with those last year but I could not resist the pictures on the boxes when I saw it in store; I am trying more shady spots and will water them regularly so, hopefully, we shall see some blooms in June. The tulips, on the other hand, are spectacular, it was well worth the fall effort.

And we had a visitor on Sunday morning, he was having breakfast on the tree cross the street,

we hear him often from the forest behind the house but I have never seen him so up close.

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