We celebrated the fabulous weekend weather with a first official 2010 Sunday trip, we went to the Unicorn Winery we discovered in the fall (and it happened to be our last fall trip too). We tasted many many wines, but we brought home, just like the last time, only the Traminette (and some table Blush).
Nadherne vikendove pocasi jsme oslavili prvnim oficialnim nedelnim vyletem roku 2010, byli jsme na vinici Unicorn (shoudou okolnosti to byl i nas posledni podzimni vylet). Ochutnali jsme mnoho druhu vin, ale domu jsme privezli, stejne jako posledne, jen Tramin (a taky stolni Blush). Zajimave bylo zjisteni jak velmi se lisi chut ryznych rocniku jedne odrudy, Tramin z roku 2007 byl sussi a s prichuti citrusu (jak to nazvala pani majitelka, a tak to mam ja radeji), rocnik 2008 byl mnohem sladsi, kulatejsi, ale chutnalo nam tak jako tak.
It was interesting to find out how much the Traminette taste changed by year of harvest, the 2007 year was more dry and citrusy (as the owner lady called it, and that is my preference), the 2008 is much sweeter and somehow rounded, but we liked it anyway. We went there with our friend P.
and ended having dinner of simple food and wonderful(!!!) beer (Bell's Two Hearted Ale) in the nice little restaurant The Light Horse in Alexandria. Oh, the night was so warm, it was so very nice to feel that after all the cold and snow this winter ...
Na vylete jsme byli s kamaradem P. a den jsme zakoncili jednoduchou veceri a vybornym pivem v restauraci Light Horse v Alexandrii. Noc byla tepla, bylo to moc prijemne po te letosni studene snehove zimne. A myslel si to i nekdo dalsi - pryc s vanocnimi stromky !
And somebody out there thought so to, away with x-mas tree already! :)
I have seen this running fireman on the spike of old fire station, the year on front claimed 1774 ...
He was probably rushing to downtown, to the House (of Representatives, as I was told), to extinguish heated debates on health care reform, which was finally voted in, late night on Sunday (I have not really expected it will be),
I hope it will make life easier for many people.
I have met this curious character circling the plaza before The White House on Monday morning, I wonder what were his issues, I did not dare to ask ...
Toho beziciho pozarnika jsem videla na spicce stare pozarni zbrojnice, tabulka na zdi hlasila 1774. Asi bezel dolu do mesta, do snemovny reprezentantu, uhasit ohnivou debatu o zdravotni reforme, ktera byla pozde v noci v nedeli konecne schvalena (ja jsem to teda necekala). Doufam ze to usnadni mnoha lidem zivot. A tenhle divny chlapek krouzil po placku pred Bilym Domem v pondeli rano, copak mel asi na srdci, neodvazila jsem se ho zeptat ...
And of course, I had to document the season progress...
It is amazing how fast it goes ...
A samozrejme jsem musela zdokumentovat propukani jara, je uzasne jak to jde rychle ...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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Pekne. Ty stromiska vam lehce zavidim... ale zase az vy budete na suchu, nam pokvetou seriky :)