Sunday, September 26, 2010


We finally got ourselves on bikes (we got it last fall but never used it in build-y spring and super hot summer) and we are now discovering charms of C&O towpath...

we managed to make 10-15 miles (one way) chunks during last two weekends - around Harpers Ferry and Hancock Railway trail.

The weather was true Indian summer, so now we can make up for what we missed earlier this year. What I like about these trips most is the light refreshment waiting at the end :)

Last Sunday we as well went for a bit of culture to the Eastern Shore, W. college friend had concert in Easton and we met with w's friend T. there to remember old times (and some song lyrics, fortunately we live in the time of internet and i-phones).

On course we went for a little discovering of nearby area, we wondered to the Oxford and took a ferry,

my first such experience, over the bay to Belleview to finish the circle back in Easton. Oxford is the most picture perfect little town I have ever seen, it is like it jumped from some of those S. King horror stories, we were watching our backs closely to make sure no crazy person was waiting for us with garden shears ...

and we made sure we got out of there before the sun wend down..:)

And than I realized somebody actually was keeping eye on us all the time (W. told me it is old Mason's sign) ...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We went to Mt Gretna lake in Pennsylvania one lazy July Saturday ... and to the Readings outlets and to the Hershey Park, since they were close by ...

to bring back W's memories of summers years ago and celebrate J's birthday which would have been on that Sunday. We did the same thing last year, so may be we are starting new tradition here. It was one of those 100 degrees days just perfect for a splash .... and for the crazy roller coaster rides through the night (the place was closing at 11). I did not really go for any but very easy kiddie one, but W. ... oh boy :), he was complaining about whiplashes for couple of next days ...

It was a very very hot day-and-night ....

This pile of claws was served at different night in the crab shack on the river in Annapolis,

we took my mom there, but I do not think we had any crabs this time, we decided they are too much trouble to eat and opted for some other fishy dish.

Hm...looking back, we ate at some nice places this summer.... We as well discovered a dumpling place in Georgetown and made my mom to use a sticks...:D

and it was another beautiful evening on the river ...

oh how we are going to miss them soon enough, I just realized today is the first day of fall....